Divorce as such has drained you emotionally enough, and when the court’s judgment doesn’t go your way, it can feel like the end of the road. But here’s the truth: it’s not over yet. If you’re unhappy with your divorce…
10 Things You MUST Know Before Signing Divorce Papers in India Going through divorce is a life altering experience and is unique to the one who is going through. It is a very significant decision that affects the person in…
Filing for divorce can prove to be a challenging process that is emotionally wrought, particularly when your spouse actually lives in another country. The situation becomes more complicated because it also deals with both Indian family law and international protocols…
Divorce can be a highly emotional and legal process that involves difficult questions about the distribution of property. Property distribution following divorce is an extremely important question in India that is governed by personal laws, judicial precedents, and the evolving…
As India possesses a very deep history of family values, there have been drastic changes in its social fabric over the years. Marriage is still considered to be a sacred institution; however, there are large discussions about the rising Indian…
Divorce is by far a life-altering event, and we often see the aftermath of divorce leave spouses sometimes unsure of their financial security. Amongst the most important issues during divorce, to women is, whether they are entitled to receive maintenance…
In India, divorce petitions can be filed by either spouse under various personal laws, and the grounds for divorce are broadly similar across different statutes. A wife can file for divorce based on grounds such as cruelty, adultery, desertion, or…
The Indian laws related to marriage, divorce, succession of property are based on the religious practices and hence we call them personal laws. For those who do not identify themselves as part of a particular religion have secular laws as…
The Divorce Act, 1869, (previously called Indian Divorce Act, 1869) governs the process of divorce for Christians in India. The Act provides for the dissolution of marriage and related matters like custody, alimony, and division of assets. While the Act…
A question often asked if one of the spouses does not want to continue with the marriage, can she/ he divorce the other spouse without the consent of the latter. Answer to this in a nutshell could be, “Yes, she/…