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We at divorcebylaw.com are committed, dedicated, professional divorce lawyers in Bangalore. Our commitment and dedication has won respect in society. If you choose to avail our services, you can be assured that 'WE' will not rest until your goal is achieved. We provide quick, reliable, affordable remedy and legal solution for matters concerning marriage, divorce, divorce by mutual consent, annulment of marriage, child custody, maintenance, domestic violence cases, dowry cases, bail and marriage counseling. We also educate our clients on understanding the grounds for divorce, divorce process, how to get a divorce and also keep all our clients well informed and up to date with the court procedure. divorcebylaw.com is a one stop solution for all your family issues. Our professional presence is exclusively at The Family Court, Bangalore, The High Court of Karnataka, all Criminal/Sessions courts in Bangalore and also at The Supreme Court of India.

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Divorce and Family Law:

Navigating Life's Changes with Compassion and Expertise

The dissolution of marriage, commonly referred to as divorce, signifies the termination of the legal relationship between spouses, the restructuring or cancellation of their marital duties and obligations, and the severing of matrimonial ties under the purview of the appropriate law. As a legal process, divorce necessitates the approval and sanction of the court, culminating in the final adjudication of the case.

In addition to the legal formalities, divorce may entail intricate issues, such as alimony, maintenance, child custody, visitation rights, parenting time, child support, equitable distribution of assets and liabilities. The granting of  divorce decree through divorce lawyer enables each former spouse the liberty to contract another marriage under the prevailing legal framework.

How to Choose the Right Divorce Lawyer in Bangalore?

The right lawyer is one, who is not only adept in law but also has expertise in handling cases of various complexities. This in-depth knowledge comes through years of practice and continuous self-updation regarding ever changing laws and its applications.   

What to Look For in a Divorce Lawyer in Bangalore?

As the whole course of your future life depends on the way your case is presented in court, the lawyer you choose should have some undeniable competence and expertise. There are certain things to keep in mind when you are choosing a divorce lawyer in Bangalore. The prime factor to be considered is the expertise of the advocate. They should be adept at handling divorce, family laws, child custody laws, and domestic laws. 

They must be able to give proper counseling and advice related to the effects of each term in the petition being filed and divorce settlements. A specific mark of a distinguished divorce lawyer is his/her years of expertise in the field, his history of handling varied cases, and his ethical behaviour. Professional services with utmost transparency are also a key criterion for choosing a divorce lawyer. The knowledge of the procedures followed in the local courts and an ability to converse with the local and official language of communication in the courts for ease of handling the cases in the court are an added advantage that a lawyer can have.

The Role of a Divorce Lawyer

Your Advocate is your representative in the court.  A client-focused divorce lawyer can play a huge role in the emotional and mental well-being of the client. A good divorce lawyer specializes in divorce and family law, is client-centric, provides expert legal advice and representation, and leaves no stone unturned to ensure that the legal process runs seamlessly considering the best interest of the clients. They have in-depth knowledge of the legalities related to divorce, and child custody, and cover financial and child issues and support. They keep the client on track about the progress of the case.

They play a significant role in safeguarding your rights during negotiations, legal proceedings, and court appearances. They help you in child custody, and property-related matters and advise you on the long-term effects of each decision. They can change the course of the court proceedings with their negotiation skills and turn the tide in your favor through refined oratory and legal prowess. They help you submit all the legal documents promptly in the required manner and meticulously structure the documents and evidence relevant to the case in the prescribed manner at the right time. 

Procedure for Divorce in Bangalore, India

Procedure for Divorce in Bangalore, India involve a series of steps, as per procedure established under law . The procedure varies between mutual consent divorce and contested divorce. Here’s a complete breakdown of the steps involved.

Step 1: Consultation with a Divorce Lawyer

Choosing the right advocate to represent you is the first step. You need a patient hearing and someone to empathize with you to understand your situation. The consultation, preferably face to face, helps you as well as your advocate to understand the grounds to seek divorce, jurisdiction and to plan appropriate strategies to be devised protecting your best interests. The prerequisites for divorce as provided in the law that required to be fulfilled. Refer Mutual Consent Divorce & Contested Divorce for details. 

Step 2: Filing the Divorce Petition

 A petition praying for divorce mentioning reasons and other details of the matrimonial relationship related to the case. In this step, the individual seeking divorce formally files a petition in court asking for the termination of the marriage. In case of mutual consent divorce, a joint petition is filed by both the spouses. 

Step 3: Service of Summons

In Contested divorce, this serves as a way of communicating to the respondent  that the petitioner has started a legal proceeding for divorce in the court of law. On receiving the summons the respondent  must reply in written form with objectionsto the claims made by the petitioner and also adding counter claims. 

Step 4: Court Proceedings

In Mutual Consent Divorce after the set cooling off period of 6 months, a hearing date is given by the court. On that day parties are referred to mediation to give one last chance of reconciliation. When such a chance is ruled out in mediation, a report is made with this regard by the mediator and sent to the court. The court grants the decree of divorce accordingly. If parties reconcile, the case gets dismissed. In case of contested divorces, the procedure involves multiple steps. However it starts with mediation and if both the parties agree to settle differences amicably the case gets settled faster. There are multiple rounds of mediation held giving an opportunity for the spouses to reconcile or to agree on terms and conditions of divorce. The key decisions regarding property, payment of alimony, maintenance and child custody have to be decided during these discussions. 

Step 5: Trial

After all attempts at mediation and negotiations fail then the case goes back to the court to follow the procedures of a civil suit which includes evidence, cross examination, arguments of both the parties. The duration of these stages cannot be predicted as they may take multiple dates to close each of the stages. Interlocutory Applications filed by both the parties seeking interim reliefs such as interim maintenance, visitation rights to the child, etc adds to the duration of the case. After minutely considering all the details of the case, testimonies, and evidence the court comes to a final decision and either grants divorce or dismisses the case.

Step 6: Judgement

After the final arguments on both the sides, the court gives its decision based on the facts presented, answering the prayer and counter claims made by both the parties. A date will be set on which the final decision will be announced. If the divorce is granted divorce decree will be given.



The fastest way to obtain divorce in Bangalore is through Mutual Consent Divorce subject to the lapse of one year of marriage. When both parties agree on the terms and conditions of the divorce, including issues like division of property, alimony, maintenance, child custody, child visitation rights etc. the legal process is streamlined. Typically, this can be resolved within six months or within a week, depending on the approval of the Court’s consent to ‘waive off’ the mandatory six months ‘cooling off’ period. 

To begin the divorce process in Bangalore, you should consider engaging a divorce lawyer, who would assist you in filing a divorce petition, specifying the grounds for divorce, and ensuring all required documents are in order. Your lawyer will guide you through mandatory counseling and if both parties agree to divorce, represent you in court. Having a lawyer ensures a smooth, legally secure process while safeguarding your interests.

Yes, for smooth, hassle free assistance it is highly advisable to engage an advocate. An experienced lawyer ensures that all legal requirements are met, drafts the necessary documents, and safeguards your interests throughout the process, making it smoother, less time consuming, hardship and more legally secure.

Fighting a divorce case involves multiple steps. It starts with filing a divorce petition, followed by various stages such as evidence, cross examination, argument etc.. The court may grant a final decree, legally dissolving the marriage, if it deems fit. It's essential to consult with a lawyer for a step-by-step guide tailored to your specific case. 

Hiring a lawyer in Bangalore, offers numerous benefits. Lawyers well-versed in local language, procedure, laws, intimately familiar with regional court procedures, and equipped to provide personalized support can make the process feel easy. This is particularly crucial in family law cases where the intricacies of the region's legal system are paramount. By choosing a local lawyer, you gain the advantage of expertise and in-depth knowledge, ensuring that your divorce proceedings are efficiently handled, and your rights and interests are protected throughout the process.

The timeline for obtaining a divorce in Bangalore can vary, but as a general guideline there is 6 months of cooling period which can be waived off by the court, if it finds justified. Hence mutual consent divorces may take anywhere between 3 days to 6 months or more. In cases of contested divorces, the duration may extend further, influenced by the complexity of the issues involved and the court's schedule. When you engage an experienced legal team that works diligently to expedite the process, ensuring that your divorce proceedings are as efficient as possible while upholding your rights and interests throughout.

Selecting the right attorney is pivotal. Look for a lawyer with expertise in family law, a proven track record in handling divorce cases, and a strong reputation. Schedule consultation with an experienced lawyer to discuss your unique case, assess their strategies, and decide who aligns best with your needs and goals. 

An Advocate must have patience to listen to your concerns. A good lawyer delves into your situation, gathering all pertinent information. He/ She meticulously assesses the legal aspects of your case, offering expert legal advice and discussing the array of available options. The priority of your lawyer is to create a strategy tailored to your specific goals, ensuring that you are well informed, confident, and fully prepared for your legal proceedings. 

While it's technically possible to engage a divorce lawyer from another state for your case in Bangalore, the practical choice often favors a local lawyer. An advocate practicing in the local are are often well-acquainted with regional matters and court protocols. This local expertise is a distinct advantage as it ensures your case complies with local regulations, streamlines the legal process, and optimizes the outcome while safeguarding your rights and interests. 

Yes, it is a legal requirement for both parties to be physically present in court during the mutual consent divorce process. This ensures that both individuals confirm their unequivocal willingness to divorce and allows them to record their statements. This presence is a critical legal formality in the divorce process, demonstrating the mutual agreement and commitment of both parties to dissolve the marriage. 

The seven main grounds for divorce in India include: 

Cruelty: Either spouse displaying cruelty towards the other, causing significant harm or suffering.

Desertion: If one spouse has retracted himself from the marriage and has intentionally abandoned/deserted the other for  2 years or more.

Adultery: When one spouse has illicit sexual affair with another any person.

Sexual Offenses: Including rape, sexual harassment, molestation, bestiality, or sodomy.

Renunciation of the World: When one spouse renounces worldly life for religious or spiritual reasons.

Other grounds for divorce as well.

1. When can one remarry after divorce?

After obtaining the final Mutual Consent divorce judgment / decree from the court, you are legally free to remarry immediately, as your prior marriage is officially and legally dissolved. This pivotal document marks the conclusion of the divorce proceedings, confirming that the previous marital relationship no longer binds you. With this legal clearance, you are at liberty to embark on a new chapter in your life and enter into a new marriage, should you choose to do so, without any lingering legal impediments or obligations tied to your previous union. However when you obtain a divorce judgment / decree on merits you need to wait for the lapse of 90 days appeal period. If no appeal from the opposite party, you can remarry. 

2. Under which acts can divorce be taken?

Divorce in India can be pursued under various acts, depending on one's religion and circumstances. Commonly used acts include the Hindu Marriage Act, Special Marriage Act, and the Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, among others, each catering to different religious and personal situations. Consulting a lawyer at DivorcebyLaw.com helps determine the most relevant act for your case. Our legal experts are well-versed in these acts and can provide the specific guidance you need to navigate the complexities of the legal system, ensuring that your divorce proceedings are both legally sound and in your best interest.

The charges of a divorce lawyer depends on various factors such as experience of the advocate, complexity of your case and type of divorce that you are seeking. Generally a mutual consent divorce which involves fewer steps may cost you less when compared with contested cases. It is imperative that you consider an advocate who is more equipped to handle your case and get the best of the reliefs in an ethical and professional manner.

Establishing a strong case starts from the well written and detailed petition. Putting all the necessary details in the petition (which can be proven with evidence) and present it to the court. The enormous legal knowledge and constant upkeep with the latest case laws makes an advocate efficient in fighting the case to the best interest of our clients. Winning the case depends on many factors, the facts and ability to prove them, your lawyers commitment to be available for you and your participation in the court hearings are some of them. 

The cooling off period of 6 months after filing a joint petition seeking divorce is a requirement under the law. However the apex court has given various judgements waiving off the cooling off period when there is an obvious case of irretrievable breakdown or no chance of reconciliation. Hence the mutual consent cases can be settled earlier subject to conditions.

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